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About Me

As a child, my favorite magazine was National Geographic. I was perpetually drawn to the images of exotic people in faraway lands. Highly intrigued, I wondered “Why do the Mursi insert larger and larger discs to stretch out their lips and earlobes?” Or… “Why do the Padaung women put so many brass bands around their neck to make it appear longer?”


My thirst to know why humans do what they do led me to psychology and I became a licensed therapist wondering “How do people heal?” My sense of adventure in wild landscapes led me to Southwestern Colorado, where I lived most of my life. Not only was my backyard an incredible blend of alpine mountains, high desert, and primordial canyons… these lands were rich also in the human topography of indigenous culture.


Over time, my desire to know how people heal evolved into “How do people thrive?” I retired as a therapist, studied success, and became an executive coach and life coach. Along the way, I’ve studied so many aspects of life! From conception to the afterlife, I’ve marveled, learned, and been humbled by just what a blessing it all is!


Worth highlighting, is this special relationship between mothers and daughters… one powerfully unique aspect of this mystery we call “Life.”


Besides writing about what I love, I currently guide discerning parents to launch their adult children. Parents come to me when their grown kids have no direction and no motivation to create a life of their own. I also lead folks from all walks of life - from actors to entrepreneurs to surgeons - to discover their own soul purpose. Looking back, it seems I’ve gone from “Why do people do what they do?” to “How do people heal?” to “How do people thrive?” to “How do souls soar?” So grateful for this journey!


-Bill McDonald



© 2013 by Honoring Mothers & Daughters • website by TTROU

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